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Giving back

Let's bring more joy to more people

This is an amazing sport.

A sport where women and men, young and old, compete side by side. A sport where we all can relax and be who we are. A sport that brings us so much well-being and joy together with our closest friends in life – whether they have two legs or four.

I can't live without it.

This sport has given me so much of what I personally love most in life. So when I got the chance to launch Riders Denim, I decided to do what I can to give more people the opportunity to experience the beauty of it.

Right from the start, Riders Denim will give from our earnings back to the sport.

Every year, equestrian clubs can apply based on the important work that they do in welcoming more people – whoever they are and wherever they from – to this sport.

We’ll support clubs who work actively with the well-being of their horses as well as their riders. Clubs who create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome, secure and accepted. An environment where everyone is allowed to feel good, grow as a person and build the confidence they need to realize their dreams.

Just like this sport has allowed me to. Something I’m forever grateful for.


Jenny Stamming Reinisch
founder of Riders Denim & more Sweden AB